Text: Romans 8:19

Ministering: Pastor Dr. Raf Otono

Today is the 5th night of our 7 nights of Great light tagged I MUST MANIFEST!


  1. The manifestation of God
  2. The manifestation of angels
  3. The manifestation of sons

The true manifestation of sons is the display of the character and attributes of their father! (GOD)

I said to us that as Sons of light, there are 7 MANIFESTATIONS we must manifest this year:

  • The Great light of God
  • The righteousness of God – favor
  • The glory of God
  • The power & might of God
  • The wisdom of God 
  • The riches of God
  • The fire of God

The 1st we dealt with – Great Light

2nd night – The righteousness of God (favor)

3rd night – The glory of God

4th night – The Power & might of God

Tonight, we are dealing with the WISDOM OF GOD – James 1:5

So, wisdom can be asked for through prayers! But there is a condition attached with the prayer for it to be answered – James 1:6-8

Tonight, if you want wisdom – you must pray in faith!

Sir, ma – if you must manifest this year, you need wisdom from God!

What is wisdom? 

  • Wisdom is doing common things in an uncommon way!
  • Wisdom is doing earthly things in heavenly inspired way

There are 3 kinds of wisdom

  1. The wisdom of this world– 1 Cor 3:18-19 KJV

The wisdom of this world is satanic and demonic because it comes from the god of this world which is satan – James 3:14-15 KJV

  1. The Wisdom of men– 1 Cor 2:4-5 KJV

Listen: Men’s wisdom will give u men’s results!

  1. The wisdom of God – 1 Cor 2:6-10 KJV

The wisdom of God is hidden to the world and revealed to us by His spirit!

There are 3 dimensions of God’s Wisdom

  1. SOPHIA– Insight into reality – This wisdom gives u deep revelational information that can’t be explained by mere men -Col 2:2-3 KJV, Dan 5:11-12 NKJV
  1. SUNESIS– Progressive Personal knowledge – This wisdom gives you access to the deep things of God’s word, a sound mind to apprehend God’s word and perception – Ephesians 3:1-5 KJV
  1. PHRONESIS – Mindset! This is the wisdom that gives you a fixed mental attitude that predetermines your response to situations of life! – Phil 2:5-6, Ps 82:6


SOPHIA gives you Deep Revelational Information.

SUNESIS gives you Personal Intelligence – way of thinking that gives birth to:

PHRONESIS – a mindset & practical wisdom!


  1. Wisdom is the principal thing we need in life to manifest – Prov 4:1-10
  1. Wisdom is what makes us reign as kings on earth with unlimited riches & wealth – Prov 8:11 -21


  1. Father, this year help me to walk in Your wisdom so that I can manifest!
  2. Father, this year by Your wisdom give me divine ideas that will settle my generation unborn
  3. Father, this year by Your wisdom I will rule and reign. My light must shine!
  4. Father, this year by Your wisdom – uncommon riches and strange wealth is coming to me
  5. Father baptize me with uncommon wisdom