Text: Romans 8:19

Ministering: Pastor Dr. Raf Otono

Today is the 6th night of our 7 nights of Great light tagged I MUST MANIFEST!

The number 6 is the number of man and we are dealing with the manifestation of sons (man) so tonight is a serious night!

I have said to us that the true manifestation of sons is the display of the character and attributes of their father! (GOD)

I also said to us that as Sons of light, there are 7 MANIFESTATIONS we must manifest this year:

  • The Great light of God
  • The righteousness of God – favor
  • The glory of God
  • The power & might of God
  • The wisdom of God 
  • The riches of God
  • The fire of God

The 1st we dealt with – Great Light

2nd night – The righteousness of God (favor)

3rd night – The glory of God

4th night – The Power & might of God

Last night – The wisdom of God

Tonight we are dealing with THE RICHES OF GOD – Deut 8:18

Listen: As sons of God, His intention for us is to exponentially blessed.

God’s intention for us in creation was for us to be like Him (Self-sufficient!) – Gen 1:26-28

During creation God spoke the source to produce it’s kind –

  • Gen 1:11- 12 – And God said – Let the earth bring forth grass and herb yielding seed after its kind.
  • Gen 1:20 – And God said – Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life
  • Gen 1 :24 – And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

But when it got to us (sons of God) He spoke to Himself as the source of man – Let us make man in our image, let them have Dominion – Gen 1:26-28

Listen: You are not a 3rd class citizen, you are not a 2nd class citizen, you are not even a 1st class citizen – You belong to the GOD CLASS!

Now hear this – in order for us to manifest God’s riches here on earth we must receive the power to get wealth and there 5 things this POWER does for us!

  1. P – PROSPERITY – 2 Chron 20:20 – Gen 13:2-6

Who you follow, determines what follows you!

(1 Sam 22:1-2 – Nobodies – 2 Sam 23:8 – Mighty men of David)

  1. O – OIL – 2 Kings 4:1-7, Isa 45:1-3

Oil = Overflowing income of life (Prov 21:20 AMP)

  1. W – WISDOM – Prov 8:18-21

It was wisdom that made Solomon the richest – Solomon was getting 666 talents of gold yearly and a talent of gold is worth $2m

666x$2m = $1,332,000,000.00

And Solomon reigned for 40 years – so $1.332B x 40 (Do the math)

  1. E: ESTABLISH – Psalm 90:17

It is God that establishes a man and turns him into a financial guru (John D Rockefeller – Standard Oil)

  1. R: REST – 1 kings 5:4

True rest can only come from God, no amount of money can buy a man rest.

Hear this: Prayer doesn’t make one rich, but activates the forces that makes one rich.

Covenant practices is what brings wealth


  1. Father this year, connect me to the right men and women and bless me financially
  2. Isa 45:3 – Father, this year by the force of the covenant – give me the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places
  3. In the name of Jesus, anointing and power to get wealth rest upon me now
  4. Father, this year I receive wisdom for uncommon ideas and massive wealth creation