Text: Rom 8:19, Joel 2:1-3

Ministering: Pastor Dr. Raf Otono 

Today is the last day of our 7 nights of great light and also the end of our 21 days of fasting and prayer!

Ladies and gentlemen, the world is desperately waiting to see our manifestation!

The word Earnest expectation in the Greek – APOKARADOKIA = to anxiously watch out, to look out with outstretched neck

That means creation, (The trees, the birds, and the world at large waiting eagerly and are impatient to see the manifestations of us!

They are waiting for when men will take up their true identity and reign and manifest as gods on earth!

Hey! This year you will manifest!


  1. The manifestation of God
  2. The manifestation of angels
  3. The manifestation of sons

The true manifestation of sons is the display of the character and attributes of their father! (GOD)

I said to us that as Sons of light, there are 7 MANIFESTATIONS we must manifest this year:

The Great light of God

The righteousness of God – favor

The glory of God

The might & power of God

The wisdom of God 

The riches of God

The fire of God

The 1st we dealt with – The Great Light of God

2nd night – The righteousness of God (favor)

3rd night – The glory of God

4th night – The Power & might of God

5th night – The wisdom of God

6th night – The riches of God

Today, which is the 7th day – we are going to be dealing with the FIRE OF GOD – Joel 2:1-3

Ladies & Fireman hear me today!

Our God has many names but His identity is FIRE!

  • In Ex 3:2-6 – He appeared to Moses in a burning bush as FIRE
  • In Ex 13:21-22 – He went before the children of Israel in a pillar of FIRE
  • In Ex 19:18 – He descended on Mount Sinai by FIRE
  • In 1 Kings 18:38 – He consumed Elijah’s sacrifice by FIRE
  • In Ezekiel 1:27 – He appeared to Ezekiel as the God of FIRE
  • In Acts 2:1-4 – He fell on the apostles as FIRE on the day of Pentecost
  • In Hebrews 12:29 – Paul said our God is a consuming FIRE!

Child of God hear me and hear me well, don’t tell me you are a son until you carry FIRE!

Listen: If God’s identity is Fire, then as a son you must manifest fire as your identity on earth too.

The son of an elephant does not pray for size – it is in it’s DNA!


  1. God created man in His image therefore He created man to function at the frequency of fire. – Gen. 1:26
  2. Men & women that manifest in the Bible were people of fire
  3. Moses was anointed by God through a fire encounter. – Ex. 3:1-4
  4. Elijah knew nothing but the language of fire – 1Kings 18:24; 2Kings 1:10-12; 2:11-12
  5. Elisha was a Prophet surrounded by fire. – 2Kings 6:17
  6. John the Baptist was a mobile burning fire. – John 5:33-35
  7. The apostles were anointed by fire on the day of Pentecost to manifest & turn the world upside down. – Acts 2:1-4; 17:6
  8. Jesus was glorified by Fire. – Rev. 1:14-17


  1. To arrest the spirit of fear & gain the spirit of boldness

Listen: If you are not on Fire, you will be Fired!

I am too FIREFUL to be FEARFUL – Dan 3:19-25 – 3 Hebrew boys)

John Wesley – I am too afraid of God to be afraid of man.

He that has the spirit of fear can never manifest! This year dare to do the impossible!

  1. To gain the spirit of focus & attention

Any man or woman that wants to manifest for the world to see must be FOCUSED on their given assignment!

  • Fire has a focus! The assignment of fire is to BURN! It doesn’t come to play or negotiate!
  • Fire also commands attention – Ex 3:2

A man or a woman with FIRE cannot be ignored! You can’t carry fire and be irrelevant!

John Wesley & his father grave thumb – I set myself on fire and the world gather to watch me burn – Ps. 104:4


  1. Passion & love for God
  2. Prayer & fasting lifestyle
  3. Kingdom driven
  4. Appetite for God’s Word


Father, in the name of Jesus, give me Your fire to represent You to my generation; I must manifest this year!

Father, this year, I ask for the fire to enforce Your agenda and purpose in my generation

Holy Ghost, baptize me with the Fire of manifestation now!

Father, I make demands on the Elijah mantle of fire, the Elijah judgment mantle; I receive it now!

Father, by Your Fire I command every satanic mountain in my life, melts NOW!