Texts: James 5:16 AMP, Luke 18:1, Matt 26:41

Message: Watch & Pray

Ministering: Pastor Dr. Raf Otono

Date: 5th Feb 2023

This message is a sovereign call to Prayer & spiritual watchman-ship. God has called us as Christians to be modern-day prayer watchmen to protect, defend and effect His will on earth, just as men stood on city walls in the Bible to watch for approaching danger. We are God’s spiritual watchmen – Isa 62:6-8

Listen: Never expect a vision from God if you are not spiritually watching in the place of prayer – Hab 2:1-2


To watch – Greek – Agrupneo – It literally means To be sleepless

To Watch – Greek – Gregoreuo – It means To be vigilant, to be alert

Mark 13:35-36 – Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: 36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.

1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

Luke 21:36 – Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Eph 6:18 – Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints

Ps 119:147-148 – I anticipated the dawning of the morning and cried [in childlike prayer]; I hoped in Your word. 148 My eyes anticipate the night watches and I am awake before the cry of the watchman, that I may meditate on Your word. – AMPC

1 Peter 4:7 – But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

Somebody holla WATCH & PRAY!

What Does Mean To Watch and Pray?

  • To watch and pray is to strategically position and align yourself with the spirit of God in the place of prayer to get maximum result on earth
  • To watch and pray is to pray according to God’s time table
  • To watch and pray is to fulfill heaven’s intercessory mandate on earth
  • To watch and pray is to become a spiritual giant in the realms of the spirit. (keys to nations and communities are handed to you)
  • To watch and pray means to be spiritually alert at all times so that we can see, know and undo the works of satan. – Mat 24:43

Listen: To watch and pray is to have the KEY of the day and the LOCK of the night.


The Bible speaks of “watches,” which are specific and precise times of the day or night in which we ought to pray. There are 8 watches which covers the entire 24 hours of a day and every prayer watch has a purpose and a targeted goal. Therefore, understanding each watch will help you know the most strategic times to pray for God’s will to be done in your life and in the lives of others.

These 8 prayer watches are referred to as “THE WATCH OF THE LORD or WATCHING IN PRAYERS”. They are categorized into Night Watch and Day Watch.

  • This is the watch or hour of intercession & Restoration ­- Lam 2:19
  • This is the hour of quiet reflection and meditation – Matt 14:23
  • It is a time of covenant activation and renewal
  • It is a time for strategic positioning in the realm of the spirit

Listen: The happenings of the day are determined by what is done at night. The evening is the foundation of the night and the beginning of the watches so it is imperative that we prayerfully position ourselves then.

The terror not addressed at night in prayer is the arrow that flies during the dayPs 91:5 (Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day)

  • This is the watch of Revelation & Spiritual knowledgeLuke 12:37-38 (You to catch revelation from His word? This is the time to study & pray preparing for mid night hour!) – If you sleep in this period in anticipation to wake up to pray at 12 mid night, it is also a revelatory moment when you can see visions from God.
  • This is the watch when the spiritual food of destiny is served & blessings are released
  • It is also the watch of worship and thanksgiving
  • It is also the watch for encounter, blessings and divine favor
  1. THE 3RD PRAYER WATCH – 12AM -3AM – The Most Important & Powerful Watch

This is the watch of Spiritual warfare, judgement & deliverance Ps 119:62 

This watch is the darkest and the most demonic part of the night. This is when witches and wizards operate because they know that most men are deeply asleep and a lot of people are not praying to oppose them so they do everything to make sure men are asleep then. Why?  

  1. Because it a very strategic hour! It is the cross over from a day to another
  2. It is the junction where two days meet
  • It is the middle of the 24hour day circle


  • It is the hour of judgement over strongmen and satanic oppressors – Ex 12:29
  • It is the hour to uproot satanic & demonic gates hindering your progress – Judges 16:3
  • It is the hour to break and settle marital delay – Ruth 3:8-9
  • It is the hour to arrest destiny robbers & exchangers – 1 Kings 3:20
  • It is the hour to arrest the spirit of death – Job 34:20
  • It is the hour to break out of spiritual prisons and bondage – Act 16:25

Now that you know the power of midnight prayers, DO YOU STILL WANT TO SLEEP AT THAT TIME? 

  1. THE 4TH PRAYER WATCH – 3AM- 6AM – The Last Watch of the Night

This is the watch when you command & establish your day – Ps 19:2 NLT

It is when you command the light & glory of God into your day – Job 22:27-28

This is also the hour where the spirit of pharaoh is addressed and red seas are parted – Ex 14:24-26

This is also the hour when marine powers and kingdom are arrested – Matt 14:25-26

This is when resurrection power and mercy is activated – Matt 28:1 

As you begin to watch and pray – I decree may your light begin to shine in the name of Jesus! 


 Father in the name of Jesus baptize me with the spirit of prayer.

 Father in the name of Jesus set me as a spiritual watchman over the nations of the world.

 Father in the name of Jesus, we stand as spiritual watchmen and cancel the agenda of hell over the upcoming presidential elections in Nigeria.