Text: Ex 14:13-15

Ministering: Pastor Dr. Raf Otono

Date: 5 February 2023


Tell your neighbor it is time to MARCH FORWARD!

Today is the first Sunday of the month of march and it is a prophetic and anointing service!

Child of God, hear me – there is a time to standstill but there’s also a time to march forward!

Our God is not a stagnant God – He is a mover! – Gen 1:1-2

Our God is a progressive God!

In Genesis – He is the creator of Heaven & earth

In Exodus – He is the Passover Lamb

In Leviticus – He is the High Priest

In Numbers – He is the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night

In Deuteronomy – He is the prophet like unto Moses

In Joshua – He is the captain of our salvation

In Judges – He is the judge and law giver

In Ruth – He is the kinsman redeemer

1 & 2 Samuel – He is our trusted prophet

1 & 2 Kings – He’s our trusted King

1 & 2 Chronicles – He is our reigning King

In Ezra – He’s the devoted scribe

In Nehemiah – He’s the rebuilder of the broken walls

In Esther – He’s the protector of His people

In Job – He’s our redeemer

In Psalm – He’s the great shepherd

In Proverbs & Ecclesiastes – He is our wisdom & strong tower

In Songs of Solomon – He’s the loving bridegroom

In Isaiah – He is the prince of peace

Jeremiah – He is the righteous branch

Lamentations – He is the weeping prophet

Ezekiel – He is the glorious four faced man

Daniel – He is the 4th man in the fire  

Hosea – He is the faithful husband

Joel – He is the restorer of wasted years

Amos – He is the burden bearer

Obadiah – He is the mighty deliverer

Jonah – He is the great foreign missionary

Micah – He is our great watch man

Nahum – He is our strength and shield

Habakkuk – He is the fulfiller of visions

Zephaniah – He is the great warrior that saves

Haggai – He is the restorer of our lost heritage

Zechariah – He is the branch and temple builder

Malachi – He is the sun of righteousness

Don’t tell me you are a child of God and you are still stagnant! Our God, your father is not stagnant! – Tell your neighbor move forward!

Listen: Until you move, God cannot prove Himself, until you act God cannot react!

Many of us are waiting for God while God is waiting for us to move and take the first step!

Deut 1:6-8 – He said to them, you have dwelt on this mountain for too long – it is time to move forward!

In Mark 5:25 – the woman with the issue of blood said – if I can touch the hem of His garment, I shall be made whole but she didn’t stop there. SHE MOVED!

In 2 Kings 7:3-11 – The bible spoke about the 4 leprous men – they said “why sit we here and die? If we go into the city we die, if we stay here, we die! All die na die so therefore let’s MOVE! And as they moved God amplified their footsteps!

Hey! This month I prophesy, this month – GOD WILL AMPLIFY YOUR FOOTSTEPS!

Listen: There is an anointing that forces men to move forward! When that oil comes upon you it pushes you into your destiny & purpose – it is called THE JEHU’S ANOINTING! – 2 Kings 9:1-6,16


  1. It makes you uncomfortable in your comfort zone – 2 Kings 9:5,11-12 AMP

A lot of people don’t move forward because of arrival mentality and their comfort zone.

Jehu became comfortable in his comfort zone as a captain when he ought to be a king! It was the oil that pushed him out of his comfort zone!

Listen: Your comfort zone is the biggest enemy of your promised land

Your destiny begins at the end of your comfort zone

The day you lose your comfort zone, you will find your purpose and promise land.

  1. It emboldens you & kills the spirit of fear – 2 Kings 9:14 AMP

The reason a lot of people don’t move forward in life is because they are scared of failure! What if I fail? The fear of the unknown!  The don’t want to take any kind of risk!

Listen: Life itself is a risk and only those who take risk, conquer risk. The biggest risk in life is not to take a risk! – Esther 4:16 – If I perish, I perish!

You are too careful! – even the bible said in Phil 4:6 – be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God!

Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa – Those who take care do not take charge and those who take charge do not take care!

Listen: Those who say if I perish, I perish they never perish! Don’t believe me? Ask Esther and the 3 Hebrew boys! –  Tell your neighbor march forward! (The prisoner and the army general story)


  1. God gives you light for speed and darkness to slow down your adversaries – Ex 14:19-20
  2. God divides your red sea & eliminates your oppressors – Ex 14:21-22,27-28

Red sea is that overwhelming obvious obstacle, why you don’t want to move forward!

But watch this – Do you realize God had not parted the red sea yet when He asked them to move forward?

Your red sea is the mountain between you and your promised land – Zech 4:7

  • God puts a new song in your mouth – Ex 15:1-5



Oh God of heaven, by this anointing push me out of my comfort zone into my destiny in the name of Jesus

Oh God of heaven, by this anointing empower and embolden me to move forward! Let the spirit of fear hindering my greatness be terminated by this anointing in the name of Jesus!

Oh God of heaven, by this anointing increase my light and put a new song in my mouth in the name of Jesus