
Your giving makes a difference. It helps the church of God to fulfil her mandate and missions and to spread the Light of God in the community and beyond. Thank you for helping us reach more people to hear the life-changing message of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Let us continue to shine our light, because we are the light of the world!

We Believe In Giving

The reason we give

We believe giving is an attitude and an act of love, for God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son Christ Jesus to us. If we love the Lord as He does for us then as disciples of Jesus we should also cheerfully give back to the Lord. We also strongly believe that living a generous and sacrificial life is part of the Kingdom principle, hence we see it as a wonderful privilege to give our money, talents, gifts and time to serve God and community.

In 2 Corinthians 9:7, the bible encourages us to give cheerfully, not grudgingly or out of compulsion, but gladly sacrificing for the sake of the gospel because Jesus sacrificed himself for us.

At Virginlight Global Church, we experience the hand of God continually in our lives and testify of His blessings as we give and partner with the spread and establishment of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why we are excited to always open our platforms for you to partner with God’s vision.

We thank you in advance for your generosity in partnering with us as we fulfil God’s vision at Virginlight Global Church.

The Lord richly bless you.

Your light must shine!

How & When To Give

How & When To Give

We have various platforms through which you can give or partner with us and be a kingdom financier and a blessing to what our Lord Jesus Christ is doing at Virginlight Global Church

Mission Seed

As a ministry we strong believe in helping the needy and the poor as this is part of the mission the Lord has given to us hence, we collect mission seeds to help those in need. Why don’t you join forces with us by giving a mission seed so that together we can fulfil God’s vision on earth as written in Matthew 25:31-46.

Covenant  Seed

Covenant seed is a sacrifice we give to partner with God and the ministry according His word in Psalms 50:5. When this is done in faith it can trigger unlimited blessings of the Lord for those that believe. It works!

Monthly Seed/Offering

There is an opportunity for you to give and partner with us monthly with a specific seed that the Lord lays in your heart. All you need to do is to subscribe for a monthly debit with your bank and we will be credited monthly for the advancement of the kingdom. If you need more information on this, kindly email us at

Partnership by Phone

We count your divine partnership with us as a blessing from the Lord. Thank you for your confidence in our ministry. What a privilege to be partnering with what God is doing in this ministry, we stand with you for your harvest from the seeds sown.

If this is the option you prefer, then you can reach us on our number +31686312444 to register your details and how you would like to partner with us. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you


The Bible teaches us in Mal 3:10 to give our tithes. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we are choosing to put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith and love for God.