In September, 2007 Pastor Raf had a vision and saw the late Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa who said to him that “Christian are suffering, because they don’t know who they are.” He continued and said that “we are gods on earth just as God is in Heaven.”
The next day Pastor Raf had another vision where he saw another father in the faith ministering, who called his name three times and asked him to come to the altar. he however, refused to go, until he was forcefully pushed forward. When he got close to the altar, the man of God screamed ‘receive the anointing” and Pastor Raf woke up suddenly from the vision, slept back almost immediately and strangely the vision continued from the exact point it stopped, except this time he was without clothes, trying to cover himself. the man of God told him to not be ashamed, saying that the old clothes that just left represented his old life, shame and reproach. He then asked Pastor Raf to come to the altar, still without clothes and the ushers brought an ancient priestly robe with a turban and put them on Pastor Raf.
Thereafter, the man of God anointed him with oil and exclaimed “receive the anointing!” for a second time and again he fell and woke up, slept almost immediately, and once more the vision continued from where it had stopped.