Texts: James 5:16 AMP, Luke 18:1, Matt 26:41

Message: Watch & Pray – Pt 2

Ministering: Pastor Dr. Raf Otono

Date: 12th Feb 2023

Last week, we started a series titled watch and pray and I said to us that it is a sovereign call to Prayer & spiritual watchman-ship.


Agrupneo – It literally means To be sleepless

Gregoreuo – It means To be vigilant, to be alert

  • To watch and pray is to strategically position and align yourself with the spirit of God in the place of prayer to get maximum result on earth
  • To watch and pray is to pray according to God’s time table
  • To watch and pray is to fulfill heaven’s intercessory mandate on earth
  • To watch and pray is to become a spiritual giant in the realms of the spirit. (Keys to nations and communities are handed to you)
  • To watch and pray means to be spiritually alert at all times so that we can see, know and undo the works of satan. –


  • This is the watch or hour of intercession & Restoration ­- Lam 2:19
  • This is the watch of Revelation & Spiritual knowledgeLuke 12:37-38
  1. THE 3RD PRAYER WATCH – 12AM -3AM – The Most Important & Powerful Watch
  • This is the watch of Spiritual warfare, judgement & deliverance Ps 119:62


  • It is the hour of judgement over strongmen and satanic oppressors – Ex 12:29
  • It is the hour to uproot satanic & demonic gates hindering your progress – Judges 16:3
  • It is the hour to break and settle marital delay – Ruth 3:8-9
  • It is the hour to arrest destiny robbers & exchangers – 1 Kings 3:20
  • It is the hour to arrest the spirit of death – Job 34:20
  • It is the hour to break out of spiritual prisons and bondage – Act 16:25
  1. THE 4TH PRAYER WATCH – 3AM- 6AM – The Last Watch of the Night

This is the watch when you command & establish your day – Ps 19:2 NLT

These prayer watches are referred to as “PROPHETIC HOURS OF PRAYER OR GOD’S DIVINE PRAYER SYSTEM”. These are strategic hours of prayer that spiritual take advantage of to ascend in the spirit. This was the secret of the men that walked with God in the bible:

  • Daniel prayed 3x daily – Daniel 6:1o
  • David also prayed 3x daily – Ps 55:17

Today we are going to be looking at the last 4 Prayer watches of the day. We dealt with the 4 prayer watches of the night last week.

The 5th prayer watch which is the 1st prayer watch of the day is from 6AM-9AM: 

  1. THE 5TH PRAYER WATCH (6AM – 9AM) Mark 1:35 AMP
  • This is the watch/hour of spiritual empowerment and gifts activationActs 1:8, 2:15-17 AMP
  • Do you want to work and flow in the gifts of the spirit? Do you want to flow in the Holy Ghost? This is your hour! Do you want to be used by God in the supernatural? This is the watch to pray! This is the time to ask the Holy Spirit to equip and prepare you for the workday ahead. It is the time to build our spiritual strength and capacity before the day begins.
  • Are you too timid and ashamed to preach and talk about Christ? This is the time to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to refill, refresh, renew you, to give you the spirit of boldness – Isa 40:31

(Timid Peter who denied Christ preached with boldness after that encounter. – Plein 40-45 experience during evangelism)

  • Do you have a call and want to go into ministry? This is the watch to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to equip you for service and ministry

Listen: Life in this kingdom is a risk without divine empowerment and            until you tarry in the place of prayer, you cannot carry and manifest God’s power! Tell your neighbor – TARRY & CARRY POWER! 

Ministry without power is like powder; it only looks good on the surface but it lacks any solid foundation.

  • Ps 110:3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power!
  • 1 Cor 4:20 The kingdom of God is not in words but in power!
  • This is also the watch/hour of spiritual healing and restorationMal 4:2
  • During this fifth watch the sun begins to rise and it gives light to the earth (Jesus is the sun of righteousness and the light of the world), so we pray that the sun of righteousness covers us with healings in our bodies, relationships, families etc.

Listen: Naturally, sunlight gives us vitamin D to sustain our bones and body, but the sun of righteousness (Jesus) gives us VITAMIN DELIVERANCE & DIVINE HEALTH from all forms of sickness, diseases and makes us WHOLE.

  • This is watch/hour of spiritual crucifixion of the fleshMark 15:25

Listen: The greatest enemies of a believer are ignorance and the flesh. The death of the flesh is the resurrection and activation of the spirit.

As believers we must live a CRUCIFIED LIFE! This is the watch we begin to ask God to crucify , subdue and mortify the deeds of our flesh.

Gal 2:20 NLT – This is the watch and time to crucify the old man and change old garments and put on the new garment of Jesus Christ.

  • It is the time to nail every form of bad habit, addictions and ungodly traits like unforgiveness, jealousy, bitterness, anger, backbiting, gossips, lying, witchcraft, pride, hypocrisy, masturbation, smoking, drinking, lust, sexual immorality and every works of the flesh to the cross! (On Tuesday is what the world celebrates as Valentine’s Day – if you like join the world to commit sexual sin)
  • Are battling with any form of addiction? This is the watch to cry for help! So that the Holy spirit will help you nail it to the cross! – Rom 7:18-20, 8:12-14 NLT
  • This is also the watch/hour of purpose fulfilment
  • Jesus fulfilled His divine purpose on earth through crucifixion on the cross at this very watch so as Christians it is a strategic hour to ask the Holy spirit to help us discover and fulfill our purpose on earth at this hour.
  • This is the watch/time we pray that our purpose for the day and on earth be fulfilled. Most jobs and marketplaces start and opens at this watch, so when we go past this watch without any results, we are considered unproductive or idle. – Matt 20:1-3, 1 Kings 18:25-28 Amp
  • This is also the watch/hour of great harvest of souls – Acts 2:15, 40-41
  • Do you have passion for lost souls? Do you want to win souls for the Lord on your knees? This is the time to pray for lost souls. This is also the best time to go out for evangelism after praying for souls (That’s why we went out yesterday at this hour)
  • This is also the watch/time to ask God for forgiveness of sins – Col 2:13-15 NLT
  • This is the best time to pray and ask for forgiveness of sins through the price Jesus paid on the cross of calvary to save us. It is a time to intercedes as intercessor for the sins of the world.

It is my prayer that as we begin to pray in these watches, may God hear our prayers and forgive our sins in the name of Jesus. 

Rise on your feet! 


 Father in the name of Jesus EMPOWER me to do Your work on earth

 Father, by Your mighty power heal me in the name of Jesus

 Father in the name of Jesus, we stand as spiritual watchmen and cancel the agenda of hell over the upcoming presidential elections in Nigeria