PRAYER: John 7:37-38

 Father tonight I am thirsty and hungry for You, pour Yourself out and fill me up in Jesus’s name! 

Crossover Msg by Pst Raf M Otono

December 31st 2022

Scripture Reading: Joel 2:28-32, Isaiah 60:1-3


 Our objective tonight is to know the mind of God as it concerns us for the year 2023.

Let me start by saying that we are not in the last days, WE ARE IN THE LAST OF THE LAST DAYS. The last days began in Acts 2:14-21. That wasn’t the fulfillment of the prophecy Joel gave but the beginning of it.

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass on the last days, saith God, I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh……

In the Old Testament, God’s Spirit would come upon selected individuals for a special or specific purpose. For example, “the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon; and he blew a trumpet, and the Abiezrites were called together to follow him” – Judges 6:34. This was also true for King David: “Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward” – 1 Samuel 16:13. But now He is saying He will be generous with His spirit and pour it on all flesh regardless of their sex, age or social class.

Now the outpouring of His Spirit will be manifested in 3 dimensions – prophecy, dreams, and visions:

The word dream in Hebrew is “chalom,” and it refers to the visual and aural sensations that a person experiences while sleeping (Genesis 28:11-12, 1 Kings 3:5).

The word vision in Hebrew is “chazon,” and it refers to visual representations, like a video or movie, given by God’s directive, that may or most times not require interpretation. It seems to occur while people are awake. (Ezekiel 1:1)

In Acts 10 we saw how both Peter and Cornelius saw a vision that brought them together

The word prophesy in Hebrew “naba” and it means to prophesy or speak under the influence of divine spirit – (1 Sam 10:6, Eze 37:1-4)

I prophesy by the apostolic and prophetic grace present in the house tonight, 2023 your spiritual eye shall open! You shall prophesy and see massive results in Jesus name!

Joel 2:28Your sons and daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams and young men shall see visions…

Now, what is the difference between, sons, old men and young man as it concerns this scripture

Sons – Prophesy

Old men – Dream dreams

Young men – See visions

To get more insight on this, let’s go to Num 12: 5-8 and see what God said to Miriam and Aaron when they gossiped about Moses. (See NLT – He sees the Lord as He is)

So going back to Joel 2:28, it means sons, old men and young men are different dimensional manifestations of relationship with God

  • Old men dream dreams because of their age and wisdom bank (WHY?) Because most times dreams can be ambiguous – they have the wisdom to interpret it.
  • Young men see vision because most times they are clear and need no interpretation. Because of their vitality and strength, they run with the vision of God Prov 20:29 – (See AMP)
  • But sons prophesy because of their maturity in the spirit and as representatives of God on earth, they speak to create like God did in Gen 1:3, Rom 8:14-15

Only sons of God can prophesy because they are deeply connected to the spirit of God. This was why God got angry with Moses, after I have defended you as a son – you ought to speak (prophesy) to the rock but he smote the rock and missed the promised land! 


Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass AFTERWARD… The question is after what shall the outpouring of His spirit come to pass?

  1. By genuine repentance and sanctification – Joel 2:12-19 (2023 is the year to WATCH & PRAY like never before)
  2. By contacting His refining fire – Joel 2:1-3-11, Isaiah 60:2-3

Brethren, there are dark days ahead of us but these dark days will drive men to repentance and prayer which will cause God to begin to pour out His spirit!

There is going to be beginning from 2023 a serious financial melt down that the world hasn’t seen in a very long time, food shortage (Famine), loss of jobs because of artificial intelligence. Let us pray against another lock down! Watch out for the leadership of the UK and USA – change is coming! 


  • FEET WASHING – John 13:5-10, Gen 18:1-5
  • COMMUNION – 1 Kings 19:7-8
  • ANNOINTING – 1 Sam 10:1,5-6,10, 16:13

Your Light Must Shine!