Ministering: Pastor Dr. Raf Otono
Text: 1 John 2:18-22
Msg Title: Unveiling the Antichrist
Date: 20th Nov, 2022

We are living in the last of the last days and fast approaching the days of the antichrist because the signs are obvious.

There is a difference between antichrist and the antichrist

– Antichrist is anyone that is against and denies Christ. – 2 John 1:7

– The antichrist is yet to be revealed, he is the lawless one empowered by satan with power to do miracles and deceive people – 2 The 2:8-10 AMP

The antichrist is yet to be revealed but the spirit of the antichrist has been activated on earth. – 1 John 4:2-3

  • The spirit of the antichrist is the spirit of lies and deception. – 2 Thes 2:9-10
  • The spirit of the antichrist is the spirit that sponsors false prophets 1 John 4:1-3
  • The spirit of the antichrist is the spirit of pride and homosexuality – Dan 11:36-37 Amp

But someone might ask, if the antichrist is not yet revealed, why bother about it? Because by the time He is revealed this kind of message won’t be necessary, why? Because the Grace dispensation will be over! The rapture of the church has taken place. – 2 Thes 2:1-7 Amp

The reason why we are talking about this is to draw men back to Christ, it is to call men back to God because the end time is near. – Matt 24:3-14


.1 False Christ – Matt 24:5
2. False Prophet – Matt 24:11
3. Love for God will grow cold – Matt 24:12
4. One world religion (Abrahamic family house)
5. New 10 commandments – Dan 7:25
6. Falling star & the drying Euphrates river – Rev 8:10, 9:1,13-15

May the Lord open our eyes to know the time and season that we are living in in Jesus name. Amen

Father in the name of Jesus, save me, I cannot save myself, do not let me miss the rapture.